Now Available On YouTube!

For three days, in August of 2014, the citizens of the city of Toledo, Ohio couldn’t use their tap water due to a toxic algal bloom surrounding the city’s drinking water intake in Lake Erie. City officials declared the water unsafe to drink, as well as use for bathing, brushing teeth, and cleaning dishes — boiling the water would not help, residents were told.

Ten years later, Lake Erie is still afflicted with toxic algal blooms.

The Big Problem In The Great Lakes is a film about a city’s frightening three day battle against toxic algae in Lake Erie — and one person’s mission for the last ten years to advocate for cleaning up that lake.

Kim Axe
Activist, Lake Erie Advocates

Also Featuring

Mayor Wade Kapszuckiewicz
Mayor of Toledo

Dr. Greg Dick
Professor, University of Michigan
Director, Cooperative Institute For Great Lakes Research

Dennis and Tony Ruffing
Farmers, STJ Ruffing Cattle Farm