Help Support Independent Filmmaking!

The goal of Three Pines Production Co. is to bring you stories you wouldn’t normally hear that are important to the dialogue of this country and the entire world — from the small voices that wouldn’t normally be given a platform on mainstream media.

You can help support independent filmmaking by becoming a member of our Patreon, where you’ll get access to extended interviews with the people sharing their stories in our documentaries, additional commentary on relevant topics, as well as behind the scenes videos and photos from our films.

The cost to become a member starts at only $3.99 (US) a month and is the best way to support independent filmmaking!

What You Get With Your Membership

  • Your first seven days are FREE!
  • Access to extended interviews with people from our documentaries.
  • Additional commentary on relevant and related topics.
  • Behind-the-scenes videos and photos.

What Your Membership Pays For

I understand any normal person is going to want to know where their money is going before just giving it to some random stranger on the Internet. Below is a list of our regular budgetary needs that will help get Three Pines Production Co. off the ground and running smoothly.

Regular Costs

Travel — gas, air travel, lodging, food, rental cars, etc.

Digital storage — memory cards, SSDs, hard drives, cloud storage, all that fun stuff to manage the massive amounts of video produced by Three Pines Production Co.

Software — Adobe Creative Cloud subscription, and other software tools to get the job done.

Permits and the cost of filming — covering the cost of any permits or fees incurred related to filming in a specific location, such as a national, state, or local park or on private property, as well as maintaining licenses such as unmanned aerial vehicles licenses.

Web hosting — costs associated with web hosting and domain names for our various web sites.